Kurginyan names the Soviet Union’s most important preparation for WWII

25.06.2023, Aleksandrovskoye.

Creating a new society, a unique way of life where people were ready for war was most important in the Soviet Union’s preparation for the WWII, said philosopher, political scientist, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on June 23 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.

Prior to the war, the country had the second largest economy in the world, stressed the political scientist discussing the Soviet Union’s preparation for the Great Patriotic War. Ten thousand factories were built in the USSR, the country’s agrarian economy transformed into the industrial power.

The initial construction stages of factories in the Urals, where they were evacuated from Ukraine, were laid down in 1939-1940, noted the expert. He explained that it’s impossible to use the machinery if it is placed on the bare ground. Concrete and the reinforced concrete foundation are necessary and it takes time for it to settle in order to fully start operating the heavy equipment.

“But the main thing the Soviet Union has accomplished is – it managed to establish a certain way of life, which entirely was built on this preparedness for war. From the song of that time – ‘if tomorrow is a war, if tomorrow is a campaign’; to all these Ready for Work and Defense (RWD) institutions, the feeling was that the country is a permanent besieged camp, that ‘everything is for the front, everything is for Victory’,” emphasized Kurginyan .

The mobilization, the new way of life have ruled out such issues as “large-scale corruption or enrichment”, added the leader of the Essence of Time movement.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency