WHO deliberately imposes unrealistic requirements on states. Opinion

21.06.2023, Moscow.

WHO is trying to impose requirements on the states, non-compliance with which makes them credit dependent on the IMF and other financial institutions, said Zhanna Tachmamedova in her article “Rights and freedoms from now on are harmful to health?” published on June 11 in The Essence of Time newspaper, no. 537.

In Geneva, at the 76th session of the World Health Assembly (WHA), experience with the coronavirus pandemic is being discussed. And new measures to prevent new pandemics are being developed.

To meet the new requirements being developed by the WHO, countries will need “new economic thinking” – government spending on social needs such as housing, transportation and employment will have to be viewed through the lens of health determinants.

The WHO now considers the old thinking, which focused on economic capacity building, counterproductive.

“Obviously, states that refuse to develop and maintain their economies will become poorer, but this should not embarrass anyone now, because the main indicators of success will be investments in health and the environment,” says Tachmamedova.

And countries do not need to worry about their poverty. After all, in case of emergency, some international funds will sponsor them, but certainly not for free.

The rules of global financial management must be substantially changed on the world stage, according to the WHO. Money should be lent to countries according to the model of the Bridgetown Initiative, which is not at all beneficial to the poor countries.

The WHO is trying to assure the public that the new measures against pandemics do not pose any threat to the sovereignty of states.

In March this year, Tedros Ghebreyesus reported that countries themselves will determine the wording and scope of any global agreement. The document will still be under discussion until 2024, the WHO says. Let’s hope that the texts of these documents will be significantly amended and the representatives of the participating countries will defend the rights and freedoms of their citizens.

“However, so far we see that during the Assembly, the leaders of the countries, one after another, express their approval of the norms prescribed in the amendments and the agreement, and amicably demonstrate their willingness to surrender their sovereignty and to be under the totalitarian control of predatory global structures,” the author notes.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency