Russian Foreign Ministry: Destabilization of Transnistria will be considered an attack on Russia

19.06.2023, Moscow.

Any actions threatening the security of Russian peacekeepers in Transnistria will be regarded as an attack on Russia, Aleksey Polishchuk, the director of the second department of the Commonwealth of Independent States member-countries of the Russian Foreign Ministry, said on June 19, TASS informed.

“Any actions posing a threat to their security will be regarded under international law as an attack on the Russian Federation,” Polishchuk said.

The Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman stressed that units of the Russian Armed Forces are in the region on legitimate grounds.

“We warn against any attempts to destabilize the situation around Transnistria,” Polishchuk urged.

On June 19, the president of the Transnistrian Republic Vadim Krasnoselskiy said, “There are no signs of preparations for a direct attack on Transnistria now. But that does not mean that we are not threatened.”

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency