Russian Foreign Ministry: Nearly 20 countries wants to join BRICS

15.06.2023, Moscow.

Nearly 20 countries expressed a desire to join BRICS, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said in an interview with TASS on June 15.

“The list of applicants to join the association continues to grow. The number of states interested in joining the association is approaching two dozen. This reflects the increasing and already very significant role of the BRICS in the international arena as an association of like-minded people, I would like to emphasize that,” Ryabkov said.

The deputy minister believes that BRICS attracts new countries by its principle of equality. The organization has no individual leadership of any country. All decisions are made collectively.

Ryabkov said that at the moment, the criteria for accepting new countries into BRICS are being worked out.

The deputy minister believes that the Arab countries and the states of the Asia-Pacific region membership in the organization will be most attractive.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency