Russian military repulse attack by Ukrainian armed units on the South Donetsk direction

13.06.2023, Donetsk.

The servicemen of the Yug army group repulsed an attack by the Ukrainian armed units in the South Donetsk direction, the group’s press center chief Oleg Chekhov said, RIA Novosti informed on June 13.

“Artillery fire destroyed Ukrainian fighters near Vremyevka, one enemy tank near the Oktyabr state farm, as well as one tank and three armored vehicles north of Storozhevoye,” Chekhov said.

The Russian military destroyed a tank and a Furya UAV and eliminated Ukrainian militants west of Velikaya Novosyolka using the TOS-1 MRLS.

Russian artillery forces thwarted an attempt by the Ukrainian armed units to regroup in the Zaporozhye direction. Russian soldiers destroyed an armored vehicle and pickup truck, eliminating the enemy.

Earlier, the Russian military successfully repulsed an attack by the Ukrainian armed units in the Soledar-Artemovsk direction.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency