Space industry today has no clear answer as to why Man needs space

20.04.2023, Moscow.

The Russian space industry has no clear explanation as to why Man flies into space, analyst Sergey Aleksandrov wrote in his article for The Essence of Time newspaper, no. 528.

Aleksandrov notes that Russia lacks full-fledged planning in the sphere of cosmonautics.

“For many years, real program documents have been formed ‘from below’: proposals from rocket and space technology developers are gathered and somehow … combined together (which is extremely difficult to call a ‘systematic approach’),” Alexandrov writes.

The author reminds that after the disintegration of the USSR, the domestic space industry was struggling for its physical survival for a long time. According to him, today in Russia there is no idea how cosmonautics should be developed.

“As a result, the Federal Space Program exists, a certain document defining the basics of ‘space policy’ also exists, but in fact it is not even a declaration of intentions, but only a statement of the capabilities that we have…

And the industry has no intelligible explanation as to why Man needs to flie to space, there is only a situational response,” Aleksandrov writes.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency