27.02.2023, Aleksandrovskoye
New elements on the global political landscape demand new attitudes towards what is happening in Ukraine, said philosopher, political scientist, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on February 18 on the Right to Know program on the TVC TV channel.
The analyst explained that both China and India received the impetus for new development in the 20th century partially because of US’ involvement. Under US President Richard Nixon, the US and China reached an agreement. The US diplomat Henry Kissinger took part in it. Thus began the modern development of China. And US President Franklin Roosevelt insisted on India’s decolonization despite pleas from British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, noted Kurginyan.
“Two large, huge nations had emerged and at first it seemed that they were so poor that they could be ignored and even used. Now, if the two countries survive, they, objectively, will begin to rise like some magic mountains, as they should ,” explained the political scientist.
Countries have blossomed, and “the geopolitical landscape of the world has completely changed,” noted Sergey Kurginyan. He emphasized that now these two giants “look at the US and all the old powers as new predators, with an appetite.”
The world has completely changed, added the analyst.
“As a matter of fact, we have two huge new countries; an incredible US stubbornness towards the idea that Russia cannot be restored as an empire, and a firm belief that the empire will not be restored if Ukraine is separate from Russia and against Russia; the hatred of the US establishment towards everything European and the desire to belittle it. Well, what else do we add to all these cards at the table? The the Islamic world and its new role,” the philosopher described the new global political situation.
“These new elements on the global landscape demand new attitudes towards what is happening in Ukraine,” he concluded.
The philosopher also stressed that today’s world is spinning out of control.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency