Kurginyan explains the meaning of speculations about Ukraine’s having nuclear weapons

21.02.2023, Aleksandrovskoye

Any speculations alleging that Ukraine might have nuclear weapons can mean that they want to supply such weapons to Zelensky’s regime, said philosopher, political scientist and the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on February 8 on the air of the Union channel of the Donetsk People’s Republic.

Speculations have begun alleging that Ukraine might already have nuclear weapons. These are Western speculations. Why could not they have it? They have nuclear power plants and other things,” the political scientist reminded.

The Ukrainians are unlikely to successfuly produce it, Sergey Kurginyan explained.

Ukraine is unlikely to be able to make nuclear weapons as the country has been weakened. Therefore, other options should be considered.

And another option is that they can receive it from elsewhere, and then it will be claimed that it’s theirs. What will we face in that case? That would be another phase of the escalation of the conflict,” Kurginyan indicated.

The expert also reminded accusations against Russia alleging that it plans to use tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine.

The West thus seeks to demonize us, and Russian officials hope that it would frighten the West. However, they are not frightened with this scenario; on the contrary, they want Russia to use nuclear weapons, Kurginyan believes.

In the context of all these speculations, an absolutely new situation is being prepared, when in a day they will say, ‘well, maybe they have it?’ Therefore, they want to supply it there? This is what it really means, isn’t it?” the political scientist wonders. “And if this takes place, how will this European pot develop further?”

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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