08.10.2022, Sevastopol.
We could hardly imagine before that a time would come when our children would be drawing war again, Director of the M. P. Lazarev Marine Library Nikolay Krasnolitsky said at the opening ceremony of an exhibition of drawings by children of Donbass on October 7, Rossa Primavera News Agency reports.
“In my generation, parents of many people fought in the war. We never believed that a time would come when our grandchildren would draw war,” Krasnolitsky said.
The director of the Black Sea Fleet Library believes that our country is fighting for its survival, for the life of our future generations.
“Of course, it is a real tragedy to see the drawings of these poor children. And I think that our society will be more and more coming to a conclusion that this is not a special military operation, but this is a war,” Krasnolitsky believes.
The exhibition of Donbass children’s drawings opened on October 2 in Sevastopol. The opening ceremony of the Donbass in Fire as Seen by Children 2014-2015 exhibition took place in the M. P. Lazarev Marine Library. The exhibition shows drawings made by children from the DPR and the LPR in 2014-2015 when the war came to Donbass.
The exhibition opening ceremony was attended by first years students of the P. S. Nakhinov Black Sea Order of Red Star Higher Naval School.
The exhibition was organized by the Sevastopol unit of the All-Russian Parents’ Resistance with the participation of the Essence of Time social movement and the M. P. Lazarev Marine Library. It will remain open until October 15.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency