06.10.2022, Moscow.
Yegor Gorshkov, commander of the Essence of Time independent tactical group, fell at the front line on September 28
The commander of the Essence of Time independent tactical group (OTG SV) Yegor Ivanovich Gorshkov (Volga) was buried with military honors on October 4 at the military memorial Pantheon of the Defenders of Fatherland in Mytishchi, Moscow. Hundreds of people – relatives, friends and comrades-in-arms from all over Russia – came to pay their last respects to the commander.

Yegor Gorshkov’s services to Donbass, where he fought in the front line, and to the entire homeland, are enormous.
Yegor Gorshkov died on the front line on September 28, 2022. He essentially spent his whole life at war. His military career began with service in the Naval Infantry in the last years of the USSR. The last eight years the commander fought in Donbass.
Not all servicemen of the OTG SV could attend the funeral in Moscow, only those who could be replaced on combat duty. Yegor was also a member of the Essence of Time movement since the early years of the movement’s foundation. Essence of Time’s members came to pay the last farewell to Yegor. The leader of the movement Sergey Kurginyan delivered the eulogy.

“Yegor was like a son for me, I take this as a deep human tragedy,” Kurginyan said. “I believe he was a real warrior. He wanted to be a warrior, he couldn’t imagine himself outside of war.
He fought heroically. And if more men like him were commanders of some units – and he was really talented – then much of what’s going on now wouldn’t be happening.”
Kurginyan noted that Yegor was not only a heroic warrior and a true leader, but also “a man of great feeling,” with deep understanding of everything Russian, Russian culture, and who had great love for all with whom he happened to be shoulder to shoulder and showed complete indifference to himself.
“He didn’t think about himself at all,” Essence of Time’s leader said. “All the time he thought about others, all the time he cared for others, all the time he lived the ideas of service [to people and the Fatherland], all the time he showed indifference to himself, which is not always the case.”
In my opinion, he is a great Russian man in our complex and dubious times… We need only absolute victory… He worked for it, he gave everything to this victory, to his people. He fought for the happiness of this nation, he fought for his loved ones, for his friends.
Rest in piece, comrade. We will fight to win.”
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency