02.10.2022, Aleksandrovskoye.
Russia is in an existential situation, and now all opportunities need to be given to those who want to fight, not steal, stated philosopher, political analyst, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on air of Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda on September 30.
“This is an existential situation. All jokes aside! This situation is about cash, it’s life or death. And until it is shown that this situation is not about cash, but life or death, nothing is possiblt,” explained the political scientist.
Since the beginning of the special operation, a number of problems have already been identified. “In Kharkov – it is largely sectoral decay from below, from everywhere. Plus, now the president has already admitted it, it is the drawbacks in the legislation of the Special Military Operation. If people are correcting the laws, it means they were wrong,” Sergey Kurginyan noted.
But these laws were not corrected earlier, before the start of the special operation or at the moment when it began, the political scientist explained.
“They were not corrected because that glamorous reality, which existed for thirty years, assumed this relaxation among other things. From the moment when something serious began – and we had to understand that something serious began – we had to say ‘the jokes are over, gentlemen,’” said Sergey Kurginyan.
But this is only the first step, the expert stressed.
“And the second step should be that instead of someone who wants [to joke], someone who wants to fight needs to come. Those people exist,” he added. – “So those people who in this reality want to live and pay the price for the happiness of existing in their country, those people should be given the appropriate opportunities.“
You can dislike Lenin ten times, a hundred times, but if you carefully read his September article “The Impending Catastrophe and How to Fight It,” it says a simple thing, notes Sergey Kurginyan.
“The Provisional Government, the councils, all our enemies, you must win the war! You cannot win if you want to steal unlimitedly. Temper your appetites now, introduce accountability, control, and everything necessary. Otherwise, you will lose power and will not be able to steal in moderation,” the political scientist retold a thought from Lenin’s article.
“Now you have to stop it at all, and then you will steal moderately,” Sergey Kurginyan summed up.
On September 24, Vladimir Putin signed a law amending the Criminal Code to provide for up to 10 years in prison for desertion or failure to report for conscription.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency