Kurginyan: UK special operations elite trained Ukrainian militants

21.04.2022, Moscow.

US and UK special operations servicemen trained the Ukrainian nationalist battalions long before the beginning of the special operation in Ukraine, said political scientist and the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on April 18 on The Great Game program on Channel One.

The political scientist noted that not only instructors from the Baltic States, but also, for example, UK experts are working in Ukraine. The Russian military servicemen involved in the special operation have to deal with “a special operations elite.”

“SAS, Her majesty’s Special Air Service, trained all this near Donbass, and they entered directly the territory of Donbass for subversive operations,” Kurginyan said.

On February 24, President of Russia Vladimir Putin announced the beginning of the special military operation for the demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine upon a request for help from the republics of Donbass.

The special operation of the Russian army and the people’s militias of the DPR and the LPR is intended to defend the population of Donbass and Ukraine from the genocide unleashed by the Kiev regime. The operation attacks military targets, while civilian targets are not attacked.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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