Kurginyan: Post-Soviet states will have to softly reunite

18.02.2022, Moscow.

To survive, the post-Soviet states will have to softly reunite, otherwise the surrounding world will destroy them, said philosopher, political scientist and the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on February 9 in an interview to the ONT Belarusian channel.

Kurginyan stressed that, in order to escape regress, the post-Soviet states should “think about a policy for reunification that us voluntary, complementary to sovereignty.”

“This is inevitable, this will happen in any event,” the political scientist said. He noted that the countries have predatory wolves around them but not good friends seeking to embrace them.

“That world has gone, and it will become even harsher,” Kurginyan stressed. He noted that for post-Soviet republics, sovereignty after the collapse of the Soviet empire is the choice of whom to suffer genocide from.

He stressed that he respects the sovereignty of the post-Soviet states although it is not quite clear what it is.

I could never understand what Armenian sovereignty is, indeed. Armenia suffered massacres from the Turks, from Iran and the Persians, and it could only choose whose massacre is more complementary. People said the Persians were better, though this is doubtful. What now?” Kurginyan said.

According to the political scientist, only a great imperial entity, like the Soviet Union, could be interested in developing the cultures of Armenia, Georgia, the Baltics and other states.

“In the Soviet period, the Armenian culture etc. had a sort of an unbelievable renaissance. A renaissance was everywhere. Great literature appeared where they would hardly emerge otherwise.

Aytmatov, for example. What theater could there be in the Baltic States? But it appeared, and a very serious one. What Georgian theater? It appeared. Sturua is a wonderful theater. This imperial system was ascending as a whole; as soon as it collapsed, only small homesteads remained,” Kurginyan indicated.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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