23.06.2021, Moscow.
The admission of Ukraine into NATO and the Ukrainian problem on the whole is existential to Russia, political scientist and the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said on June 17 on the Evening with Vladimir Solovyov program on the Russia One channel.
Kurginyan noted that the issue of Ukraine’s admission to NATO has never been raised so seriously before. However, this is more than a serious issue to Russia.
“Peskov said that there are no reasons to exclude the US from the list of unfriendly countries. Has this changed? It has not. Another issue, which is even more serious, I think, is the spokesman’s statement, ‘We have realized for the first time that they said that Ukraine in its current condition can be accepted to NATO. Thiswasneversaidbefore,’” the expert explained.
The political scientist explained that, like Israel calls Iran an existential problem, so Russia sees Ukraine’s admission into NATO as an existential problem.
“The Ukrainian problem, its entry into NATO, and the Ukrainian problem on the whole, is existential for Russia,” the analyst stressed.
He proposed that the US side probably wanted to understand how Russia would react to the potential admission of Ukraine into NATO and entry of NATO forces into Ukraine, in “a country torn by an internal conflict.” He believes that Moscow’s reaction must be most stern.
“We will react with to the full extent of our military and strategic capabilities. Wehavenooptionstoreactdifferently,” Kurginyan stressed.
He added that Russia can negotiate about places like Africa or activities in Afghanistan. As for Ukraine, this is a matter of life and death, the expert explained.
“Do you want to deploy NATO [in Ukraine]? We will react proactively to your intentions. Within the framework of international law, of course,” the political scientist concluded.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency