27.04.2021, Moscow.
The pharmaceutical industry and the scientists involved in it are actively lobbying for the production of vaccines, political scientist and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said in a new broadcast of his Coronavirus — its goals, authors, and masters documentary series on April 25.
“The pharmaceutical industry has learned how to produce vaccines. It does not at all want to stop such production because of new scientific discoveries. What it wants is to improve its methods of vaccine production. The pharmaceutical industry is extremely inertial. It dreads even the thought of abandoning vaccines, at least partially, and starting to produce some other drugs,” the expert explained.
According to Essence of Time’s leader, the pharmaceutical industry and the scientists firmly associated with it do not want to abandon “traveling down the to nowhere. Because traveling down that old road is very profitable.” Moreover, those who are travelling down this road are very different from those who can build a new road based on the current state of human knowledge.
The analyst noted that in the contemporary world scientists are more connected to the pharmaceutical industry than ever before.
Reviewing the latest research in immunology, Sergey Kurginyan concludes that vaccination becomes more complex due to the ability of the immune system to harm the body by activating antibodies under certain circumstances. Meanwhile, contemporary scientists are looking for a solution to the problem while noting that repertoire freeze (creating antibodies against prior similar immune stimuli instead of a new pathogen strain) creates very serious problems for vaccination. Including against HIV and many other diseases.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency