“Is Russian-Turkish brotherhood possible?” Kurginyan assesses chances of alliance

23.03.2021, Aleksandrovskoye.

A project to build a Eurasian alliance based on the integration of Russia and Turkey would become a greater mistake than the attempt to integrate into Europe, political scientist and the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said on March 18 in an interview to the 24TV Armenian channel.

Kurginyan noted that a theoretical convergence between Russia and a Turkey free from influence from abroad, and the formation of a Eurasian alliance would be in Russia’s interests.

“But I do not believe it is possible; meanwhile, I see the eyes of people who a engaged in this affair much deeper than me. And their eyes express furious confidence that this is possible. This is exactly the kind of confidence those who said we would integrate into Europe used to have. And now I see eyes saying, ‘We will not become part of Turkey tomorrow. Turkey would become part of our country instead. We will have a united Eurasian state,’” Kurginyan said.

The analyst indicated that the real Turkey is dramatically different than the idealized one. This Turkey has strong connections with the Western world, the US, and the UK.

“I do not believe in Jean Thiriart’s conservative Europe from the Atlantic coast to Vladivostok. I am not saying it is bad, I am saying I do not believe in it. I personally think it is bad; but above all, it makes no sense. I do not believe in ‘Russian-Turkish brotherhood,’ I do not believe in this. I believed and continue to believe in India [i.e. in an alliance between Russia and India ― Rossa Primavera News Agency], but I do not believe in Turkey,” Kurginyan stressed.

The leader of the Essence of Time movement explained that all the discussions of a convergence between Russia and Turkey continue to reiterate that integration with the West and Europe is necessary.

“I see that Turkey is totally controlled by Britain, and not only Britain. I see a threatening formation of a very wide alliance, which will be anti-Russian, but this is what I see while others see something else,” Kurginyan concluded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency

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