06.02.2021, Donetsk.
The confrontation with the West on key issues will escalate while keeping up the appearance constructive dialogue on a number of much less important matters, political scientist and the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan said on January 28 on The Topic program on the Union channel of Donetsk.
“On the one hand, everything will take place in an outwardly respectable manner, and the dialogue will maintain. And we will discuss the New START treaty and some other topics that make no global difference, like climate, general environmental issues, and various medical issues,” the political scientist pointed out.
“On the other hand, confrontation will escalate in this context: Navalny, human rights, how democratic the elections are, how committed we are to certain values, etc.,” Kurginyan continued.
Kurginyan expressed hope that Russia will fend off the pressure form the West on these important issues. This response will make relations even worse, although it will be hidden under a respectable guise.
Kurginyan noted that the West’s demands regarding human rights previously helped destroy the USSR. He believes that these requirements included in the Helsinki Accords, which the USSR had initiated, were a Trojan horse.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency