28.05.2020, Moscow.
Russian medicine has not completely degraded just because doctors still retain the Soviet spirit of conscience and honor, said Igor Alekseyevich Gundarov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Soviet and Russian physician, Professor, specialist in the field of epidemiology and medical statistics, in an interview on “What will be in ampules”, published on the “Stalingrad TV “ YouTube channel on May 26.
Gundarov noted that he is proud that doctors in Russia have not forgotten humanity and human dignity. The professor stressed that Russian doctors are difficult to buy, in contrast with medical specialists in the West, where medicine has long turned into a business.
“To be frank, I‘m proud of that. And I’m proud of our doctors. We are still hard to buy. In the West, this is a business, that is why such a large number of COVID-19 cases have been diagnosed, because this is a large enough spheres of economic activity. And there, healthcare is all about the economics,” the medic said.
Modern Russian doctors have preserved human dignity, conscience, and sense of honor inherited from the Soviet era, believes Professor Gundarov.
“And we have also been brought up on our Soviet textbooks. And even those [doctors – Rossa Primavera News Agency note], who are young. They still have the same spirit of conscience and honor,” the medical specialist said with absolute certainty.
The Ministry of Health of the USSR was liquidated in 1992, after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency