18.05.2019, Donetsk.
The investigation team has established that high-ranking foreign officials are among those who ordered the murder of DPR leader Aleksandr Zakharchenko, DPR leader Denis Pushilin said to RIA Novosti on May 17.
“It can be said that those who ordered the murder include high-ranking Ukrainian citizens, very high-ranking, as well as citizens of other countries that support the Kiev regime,” Pushilin said.
The DPR leader stressed that the investigation into Zakharchenko’s murder is a priority case in the Republic, and he expressed hope that all those who are responsible for the crime will be punished.
On August 31, 2018, an explosive device in the Separ café in Donetsk killed DPR leader Aleksandr Zakharchenko and his bodyguard, and more than ten people were injured.
According to the DPR law enforcement authorities, Kiev is involved in this terrorist attack. Officials of the Ukrainian Security Service denied the accusations of their involvement, and blamed the murder on Pushilin’s supporters.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency