16.03.2019, Moscow.
The West is exploiting the myth that Russia has total control over resources in the Arctic through its militarization, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko said on March 16 in an interview to the journal International Affairs.
Grushko pointed out that efforts to induce anti-Russian hysteria require more and more new examples of aggressive Russian policy, now the Arctic has become the center of attention.
The Russian Foreign Ministry considers this approach to be a rather strange. “In recent years, the Arctic has become a region of international cooperation for objective reasons, and not only for political ones. The extraction of resources requires this cooperation. It is a very expensive business. This region is a unique venue for finding new algorithms of cooperation,” explained Grushko.
Earlier, the Principal Researcher of the Institute for US and Canadian studies Vladimir Vasiliev said that there is a possibility that the Pentagon will receive funds for militarizing the Arctic region. According to him, it is a possible direction of the new US military strategy, as it is not unlikely that the White House considers the Arctic a way to compensate for its withdrawal from the Middle East.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency