23.01.2019, Moscow.
On January 22nd on its official website, Russian Foreign Ministry posted its refusal to take part in the Warsaw Ministerial Conference on promoting a peaceful and secure future in the Middle East to be hosted on February 13-14.
The Foreign Ministry called upcoming forum yet another attempt by the United States to push its interests under the guise of the entire global community’s interests. The UN is noted to be missing from among the event’s sponsors.
The incompleteness and one-sided agenda of the forum, the excessive haste in its preparation, as well as the impossibility to enter amendments to the resolutions to be made during the conference, which will be prepared in advance by the United States and Poland, are criticized.
“An attempt to unite whoever possible on an anti-Iranian basis, to create prerequisites for the final breakdown of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action in the Iranian nuclear program, to redirect efforts to resolve the Syrian and Yemeni crises into anti-Iranian course are all clear,” the comment says. The upcoming forum is associated with the previously announced plans of the US government to create a “Middle Eastern NATO” on an anti-Iranian basis.
In turn, Russian Foreign Ministry calls for painstaking multilateral cooperation to take consensual decisions that will maximally satisfy all sides to the Middle Eastern conflicts by diplomatic means, with the UN playing the decisive role.
The upcoming summit in Warsaw was announced by US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo in early January. He immediately announced the anti-Iranian focus of the upcoming event. However, the reaction of Poland itself to the upcoming forum was ambiguous. Some politicians reacted to the future summit with caution.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency