24.10.2018, Berlin.
The ruling SPD party’s representative on foreign policy at the German Foreign Ministry, Niels Annen, wrote in his Twitter account on October 21 that Russia must strictly follow its obligations under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty despite President Trump’s unilateral decision to withdraw from it.
He wrote that President Trump’s decision was certainly a disappointment, but Russia should strictly observe its obligations, and the process of nuclear disarmament should continue.
He also added that Europe will oppose any Russian attempts to upgrade its intermediate- and short-range missiles.
Intermediate- and short-range missiles are most dangerous to Europe, where US military bases are located. If Russia comes under attack from these bases, it will be intermediate- and short-range nuclear missiles that will strike Europe in response.
The Deputy Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov, in response to Trump’s statement about dismantling the INF Treaty, said that Russia has no other options but to take reactive measures, including military and technical ones.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency