16.06.2017, Syria.
Pro-governmental Syrian armed forces continue the operation to liberate Akerbat and nearby Huveysis, the towns located in the easte of Hama province in Syria, from terrorists of ISIL (organization banned in Russia), reported the Oko planety (Eye of the Planet – Editor) website on June 15.
The main forces of ISIL (organization banned in Russia), which attack Palmyra and its northwest oil fields, are amassing in the area of the military operation. On the eve, the first attempt to dislodge the terrorists is failed, and the Syrian army was forced to retreat. The attack was begun with help of militia after regrouping.
Experts interviewed by the portal said that dislodging the militants of ISIL (organization banned in Russia) from their positions will be difficult. Islamists had occupied the territory for a long time, and they equipped the long-term positions well. Maneuver terrorist groups of up to 20 people conduct retaliatory raids actively utilizing “jihad-mobiles”, and unmanned aerial vehicles.
In the same time, the Syrian army attacks terrorists by weak forces due to shortage of forces and trained units. “Either by foreign units or units of the fifth corps, which consist of not very efficient contingent, it cannot be called elite”, said defense analyst Anton Mardasov, who heads the Department of Middle Eastern Conflicts of Institute of Innovative Development.
The government army conducts offensive along several directions of the fronts at the same time. The government forces will be able to move deep into Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor provinces more systematically having cleared the Palmyra area from terrorists because this will exclude the possibility of capture of communication lines by militants.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency