25.05.2017, DPR.
Daria Morozova, the Ombudswoman of the Donetsk People’s Republic (the DPR), said Kiev did not provide Donetsk with complete information regarding 77 prisoners of war, which may indicate their deaths, Interfax news agency reported on May 25.
Morozova blamed Kiev’s representatives for arriving at Minsk negotiations deliberately unprepared, thereby jeopardizing them.
The DPR representative also urged the other side not to delay the negotiation process, “I call on Kiev officials to maintain a constructive dialogue and stop deliberately slowing down the negotiation process. We need to do everything necessary to speed up the exchange of [prisoners of war in an] “all for all” [format].”
Martin Sajdik, the OSCE representative, said a day earlier that the conflicting sides should reach clarity regarding the lists of prisoners of war within one week.
He called for respecting the rule of law and expressed optimism regarding the completion of the prisoners’ verification process by both sides of the conflict.
The Minsk agreement, signed by Kiev and Donetsk in February 2015, includes a plan for a peaceful conflict resolution in the Donbass region and assumes the exchange of prisoners of war based on an ”all for all” principle.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency