25.05.2017, Russia.
Today, on May 24, the activists of All-Russian Parents’ Resistance Organization (ARPR) went out to picket on Miusskaya Square in Moscow against Children’s Ombudswoman Anna Kuznetsova’s actions, Rossa Primavera News Agency reports.
The pickets were organized in front of the building of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation to “welcome” the Children’s Ombudswoman on her way back from Finland. The participants oppose her policy of compromise with respect to the system of forced foster care. Her actions have triggered a number of major Russian parents’ non-governmental organizations to withdraw their membership from the Civic Chamber, speaking out against the Western methods of forced foster care to be implemented into Russian legislation.
Previously, Maria Mamikonyan, the ARPR organization Chairwoman in her open letter to Anna Kuznetsova said, “Your activity does not live up to public’s expectations! I declare of my withdrawal from the Civic Chamber under the Russian President’s Children’s Ombudswoman.” Another 75 parent’s organizations also declared on their withdrawal. Senator Elena Mizulina strongly criticized Kuznetsova’s position, saying that the Children’s Ombudswoman not only does not control the situation, but she has even colluded with government lobbyists for the system of forced foster care.
The pickets said, that “Russia doesn’t need a Children’s Ombudswoman on implementation of the Finnish forced foster care technology.” According to pickets, Anna Kuznetsova went to Finland to “exchange experience” with Finnish specialists on the system of forced foster care instead of defending Russian mothers there, against whom these anti-family methods are being used.
Finland is one of the European leaders on the issue of implementation of the system of forced foster care. Our fellow citizens living in the city of Suomi often suffer from Finnish officers from so-called “child protective services”, particularly, Russian mothers and their children originating from mixed marriages.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency