07.04.2017, Russia.
The European Parliament called on Russia to release Alexei Navalny, who was sentenced for 15 days for disobeying legitimate instructions from a police officer, reported IA Novosti.
495 parliamentarians voted for the resolution, 39 members of parliament voted against, and 91 members abstained.
Alexei Navalny is known for his participation in organizing protest rallies with slogans such as: «Stop feeding Caucasus”, «For Fair Elections”, «No Corruption”, etc.
On March 26, during an unauthorized rally in the center of Moscow, Navalny was arrested for disobeying a police officer, and he was sentenced to be detained for 15 days.
According to law enforcement agencies, a total of about 7,000 people participated in the event in Moscow, more than 600 of whom were detained. During the illegal action, one policeman suffered from a serious head injury.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency