29.03.2017, Syria.
The terrorists of Jabhat al-Nusra (Organization banned in Russia) continues to shell the Russian embassy in Damascus, the chief of the Russian General Staff’s Main Operations Directorate, Colonel-General Sergey Rudskoy stated during a briefing on March 28th, as TASS news agency informed.
“The situation remains tense in the area of the Joubar and Al-Kabun municipalities controlled by the units of Jabhat al-Nusra (Organization banned in Russia – Rossa Primavera News Agency). These are the areas from which the mortar shelling of the residential areas of the Syrian capital, as well as of the Russian embassy, are being conducted,” the Colonel-General said.
Sergey Rudskoy assured that Syrian government forces are carrying out a special operation to eliminate the groups of Islamists in the Joubar and Kabun districts.
The Colonel-General also informed on the situation in other districts bordering Damascus. According to his information, units of the opposition have started to cooperate with the Syrian Armed Forces in the East Kalamun province after reaching a ceasefire agreement. The process of reconciliation is actively evolving in East Ghouta province because most of the communities have signed the ceasefire agreement, Rudskoy said.
At the end, Colonel-General noted that 9 humanitarian corridors were established to guarantee the secure traffic between Damascus and other regions of Syria.
Since the end of 2016, the representatives of the radical Islamist groups are regularly shelling the Al-Mazraa municipality in Damascus, where the Russian embassy is located. The international community, including the United Nations Security Council, have condemned these actions by the militants.
Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency