19.06.2015 13:09, Kiev
Two rallies are taking place in Kiev, having gathered over a thousand protesters in total. RIA Novosti reports that several hundred activists have gathered on a rally in support of the Ukrainian newspaper “Vesti” (“News”), the editorial office of which was searched yesterday. They were holding posters: “We are the informational Maidan”, “Censorship will not pass”, “No good News from the government”.
The second rally, according to the Kiev police, is taking place opposite to the Bessarab market in central Kiev. Earlier the police has reported that several hundred people have gathered here. The police has been investigating whether the rally was sanctioned by the authorities.
“The organizers of the rally have informed the local authorities about their intention to hold the rally one hour before it started. About one thousand citizens are participating in the rally so far”, – reports the Kiev police Central Administrative Board. The police continue to maintain the order. The purpose of the rally is not reported.
Source: RIA Novosti