More than 70 Ukrainian militants surrender during fighting for Berestovoye

27.05.2024, Moscow.

More than 70 fighters of the Ukrainian armed units surrendered to Russian servicemen during fighting for the village of Berestovoye in Kharkov Region. Coordinator for interparliamentary relations with the parliament of the Lugansk People’s Republic, State Duma deputy Viktor Vodolatsky told this to journalists on 27 May.

“More than 73 people have surrendered as prisoners of war,” he said in response to a related question.

The press service of the Russian Defense Ministry informed that on May 26, units of the Zapad Group of Forces liberated the village of Berestovoye in Kharkov Region. On this direction, the Ukrainian armed units suffered losses of 285 servicemen, two armored combat vehicles and four howitzers, two of which were made in the United States.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency