EU approves transfer of proceeds from Russian assets to Kiev

21.05.2024, Brussels.

EU foreign ministers approved the transfer of proceeds from frozen Russian assets to help the Kiev regime, Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky wrote on social media X on May 21.

“Up to three billion euros this year alone, 90% will go to Ukraine’s army,” he wrote.

Overall, Russian assets are expected to generate up to €5 billion in profits annually. These funds are planned to be transferred to Kiev twice a year. According to the EU plans, the report will be conducted from February 15.

According to public data, the EU and G7 countries have frozen Russian currency reserves worth about €300 billion, of which about €200 billion have been blocked in the EU, most of which are held in the accounts of the Belgian clearing and settlement system Euroclear.

In April 2023, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on retaliatory measures in case of seizure of Russian assets abroad. The document prescribes the introduction of external management of foreign enterprises of unfriendly countries located in Russia.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency