Ukraine requires emergency power imports overnight

19.05.2024, Kiev.

Emergency power supply at the level of 13,159 MW hours is predicted overnight, the Ukrainian Ministry of Energy said in its Telegram channel on May 19.

Today in the night and morning hours at the request of Ukraine emergency power supply from Romania, Slovakia and Poland was carried out,” the Ukrainian ministry said. The need is estimated at 13,159 MW hours.

It is noted that emergency electricity assistance may also be needed in the evening. On May 18, Ukraine also received electricity from Slovakia, Romania and Poland.

It should be noted that on May 16, the director of Yasno, a member of the Ukrainian energy holding company DTEK, Sergey Kovalenko reported a permanent shortage of electricity generation and that imports do not cover the current level of consumption.

As a result of the strikes by Russian forces, Ukraine has lost the generating capacities of Kanevskaya HPP, Dneproges, Zmievskaya TPP and Tripolskaya TPP.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency