Polish political scientist calls to hold referendum on war with Russia

15.10.2024, Warsaw.

Polish political scientist Eugeniusz Zinkiewicz proposed holding a referendum to gauge Polish citizens’ willingness to engage in a war with Russia. He made this suggestion on October 15 in the Polish Myśl Polska.

Zinkiewicz referred to the statement made by Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces, Wiesław Kukuła, on October 4. Kukuła hinted that Poland might have to enter a war (implicitly against Russia), which it must win. The political scientist noted that Kukuła’s words were quickly mocked, but he stressed that the general’s warning should not be dismissed lightly, as Kukuła has access to NATO’s secret plans, unlike retired generals.

“In my opinion, it is necessary to initiate a large-scale public debate in Poland as soon as possible, thoroughly covering the issue of Poland’s and Poles’ security in the context of the conflict on our eastern border and possible direct involvement in the ongoing war with Russia,” Zinkiewicz stated. “The debates should culminate in a nationwide referendum where Poles will decide whether they want to fight against Russia ‘in defense of Banderite Ukraine’ and, consequently, in defense of US interests,” he concluded.

On October 4, while speaking at the Land Forces Academy in Wroclaw, General Kukuła said, “Everything indicates that we are the generation that will stand with weapons in hand to defend our country. And neither I nor anyone else intends to lose this war. We will win it, return, and continue to build Poland, but something must happen: we must create armed forces ready for such actions.”

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency