Kurginyan: The Scots associate themselves with the Stuarts who fought the English

11.10.2024, Moscow.

The leader of the rebellion against the ruling Hannover family in Britain, Charles Edward Stuart, is a figure of the Scottish identity, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on September 20 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.

The political scientist told how he with his wife and daughter visited Scotland in 2001 for his family to learn Scottish stories. “And this is where our daughter said she wanted to visit the very core of Scotland, all those heath lands and wilderness,” Kurginyan noted.

The philosopher noted that a local Scotsman was showing them the country. When his daughter said that she wanted to see the Birnam Wood that Shakespeare mentioned in his tragedy Macbeth, this Scotchman “looked at her with great sense, and he said, “Lady, I never read Shakespeare.’” The hunter had to call his wife, and she used the Internet to tell him where the place is located.

Kurginyan noted that when they were leaving, the hunter asked them, “Can you tell me, everyone says the Russians can use an atomic bomb against us, is that true? You look like intelligent people, so what?”

The political scientist told him that those who previously governed our state “had a very hard experience during the Great Patriotic War, so they could not initiate another war, they could seek only peace deep inside.”

At the same time, Kurginyan stressed that the Russian oligarchs today, “if their business interests demand that, they will not hesitate to use an atomic bomb against London.”

‘London is fine, it is only good. If they use it against London, it is good,’ this Scottish driving a Land Cruiser told me as he was driving my family and me to a small station,” the philosopher quoted the reply of the Scotchman.

The words that I heard there (‘damn Hannover dynasty,’ ‘the Germans’ etc.) about this ruling family are widespread in Scotland,” the political scientist illustrated the Scotchmen’s attitude to London.

At the same time, a popular historical figure for the Scots is Charles Edward Stuart, “Bonnie Prince.”

This is Stuart who disembarked there for some sort of an idiotic retarded war of Scotland against Britain again,” Kurginyan explained.

He noted that, although this politician lost everything, “he is very popular, and he is one of the figures of the Scottish identity.”

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency