Kurginyan explains how the British elites view the US

03.10.2024, Moscow.

The UK has developed a very complicated relationship with the US: it is a dislike, combined with a desire to rule the US from within, said political scientist, philosopher, the leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan on September 6 on the Conversation with a Sage program on the Zvezda radio station.

At its very beginning, the US was a country built by emigrants from England. And, first of all – emigrants dislike their home countries; and secondly, people relocate to a new place of living not because the life was good, they relocate with a purpose, Kurginyan recalled.

Damn Britain! Im not happy there. And to hell with it all. Im going to the New World to build a new Atlantis! – Kurginyan explains emigrant’s logic.

Emigrants develop very complicated relationships with the country they have left, the expert noted.

“On the one hand, it is almost a symbiotic relationship, particularly in New England, the place where Britain built a colony before wars for US independence started. On the other hand, it is extremely complex and complicated”, the political scientist said.

According to the analyst, the UK’s attitude towards the US is that they are in “an extremely close relationship, where it is prepared to be in charge, while it constantly pretends to act as a subordinate to the US,” Kurginyan said. At the same time, he noted that he never heard the expression “stupid yankees” coming from anyone as often as from the Brits.

These are very complicated relations,” concluded the expert.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency