‘We will hit you’ – Netanyahu threatened Iran during his speech in the UN

27.09.2024, New York.

Israel will respond to Iran in the event of a direct attack, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said during a speech at the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, the Jerusalem Post reported on September 27.

If you hit us, we will hit you,” Netanyahu said, adding that ”there is no place in Iran where Israel’s long arm cannot reach.

He said Israel stands between “the curse of Iran and the blessing of the historic normalization of relations between Arabs and Jews.

During the speech, Netanyahu lifted two cards, one showing what he called Iran’s long, aggressive hand, and the other showing the regional potential for expanding Israeli-Arab ties.

The Israeli prime minister spoke at a time when his country is fighting a two-front war, against Hamas in the Gaza Strip and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency