Russia’s UN envoy explains why Zelensky came to New York

25.09.2024, New York.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky came to New York with his hand outstretched to draw Western countries into direct conflict with Russia, Russia’s permanent representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya said during a UN Security Council meeting on September 25.

And here he is here in New York, once again with an outstretched hand and once again trying to convince the West to raise the stakes in the conflict with Russia and throw its sons to die for Ukraine, thus becoming a direct participant in a conflict with a nuclear power,” Nebenzya said.

The Russian representative emphasized that Zelensky no longer has anything to lose, but the situation is different for Western countries.

Vladimir Zelensky has repeatedly appealed to the leaders of Western countries with a demand to allow strikes with Western long-range weapons deep into the recognized territory of Russia.

Note that on 12 September, President Vladimir Putin said that the Ukrainian army itself was not capable of striking with Western weapons, so allowing the use of long-range weapons on Russia’s recognized territory would mean that NATO countries had entered a direct conflict with the Russian Federation.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency