Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: The West will not allow Ukraine to go for fair talks

25.09.2024, Moscow.

The West will not allow fair talks between Ukraine and Russia on the principles of the UN charter to take place, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on 25 September, TASS reported.

The minister noted that those who came to power in Ukraine as a result of the coup d’état immediately announced plans to ban the Russian language. They also did not represent Crimea, Donbass and Novorossiya.

This is what we now see as the reasons that do not allow the West to force the Ukrainian leadership to go for fair talks and go for taking into account the principles of the charter,” Lavrov said.

In addition, Lavrov said that Russia will win the conflict because the West does not understand any other language and emphasized the need to return to the UN foundations to end the conflict unleashed by the West.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency