Kurginyan: Soros works more effectively than Russia in the post-Soviet republics

20.09.2024, Moscow.

American financier George Soros works more effectively on the post-Soviet territories than Russia, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on August 23 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.

With deep regret I have to admit that Soros and other thugs working against us are a thousand times more effective in these states [the post-Soviet republics] than us. A thousand times! They really find smart people who hate us, who can be easily and totally bribed, they make and organize them,” Sergey Kurginyan said.

According to the analyst, the people that Soros recruited in Moldavia were never trained to govern, because masters will govern the country, but they were trained to be “stupid proxies.”

These are stupid, incompetent proxies who cannot govern. They can only fulfill Western commands. All of them already have Romanian passports. The dream of their life is to integrate Moldavia into Romania, to allow Romania incorporate Moldavia,” the political scientist added.

Sergey Kurginyan also noted that Soros’ protégés like President of Moldavia Maia Sandu are democratic as long as they need to overthrow their competitors. After the competitor is overthrown, they are absolutely totalitarian. In Moldavia, both opposition press and opposition forces have already been destroyed.

Actually, a soft totalitarian regime has been unfolded in Moldavia. And this was done by Soros’ protégés, who are trained to do so. Not to overcome an economic crisis; the worse the crisis is the easier they can recruit people for a war. But to suppress all the opposition members, this is what they are trained for as the Bandera Nazis were trained,” Sergey Kurginyan said.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency