Zakharova characterizes the British Foreign Ministry’s words about fascism as irresponsibility

18.09.2024, Moscow.

They do not feel responsible for their statements, this is how Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova explained the words of British Foreign Minister David Lammy about “imperialist fascism” inherent in Russia, RIA Novosti reported on September 18.

Foreign ministers in Britain come, stay in offices for six months and then leave. What does this indicate? It means complete irresponsibility: they know that they will not be responsible for anything. Look at the number of British foreign ministers since 2022: appeared, spent a couple of months in the office and left, talked a lot,” – said Zakharova.

British Foreign Secretary David Lammy called the Russian government’s policy “imperialist fascism.

The Russian diplomatic mission in London protested, calling such statements an insult to the memory of those who fought fascism.

The British are wearing a white coat on which bloody marks are clearly visible. If it were a coat of a different color, perhaps it would be possible to hide something, but they themselves do not let us forget this history,” Zakharova concluded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency