Venezuela’s leader: US sanctions strengthen a spirit of independence

17.09.2024, Caracas.

The US blackmail policy is shaping the country’s spirit of sovereignty and rejection of sanctions, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said on September 16 in a new edition of the Maduro + program, VTV informed.

Maduro rejected the impact of the new sanctions imposed by the US against Venezuelan officials. He welcomed the timely and swift response given by the high command of the National Bolivarian Armed Forces, the Supreme Court of Justice, the National Electoral Council, and the Attorney General’s Office, which rejects US interference in Venezuela’s internal affairs.

In response to the new sanctions, the Venezuelan leader said that “in the multipolar world that has emerged, these immoral, illegal actions look ridiculous.” He emphasized that “instead of causing fear, what they are doing is to create a spirit of sovereignty and rejection of sanctions in the country.”

Maduro recalled that the gringos are currently implementing a strategy of maximum pressure on Venezuela, requested by the leaders of fascism inside and outside the country.

“The head of fascism has called for new sanctions and is responsible for all the threats and psychological campaign against Venezuela,” said President Maduro, referring to the leader of the Venezuelan far-right Maria Corina Machado.

On September 12, the US Treasury Department announced the imposition of sanctions on 16 high-ranking Venezuelan officials in connection with the past presidential elections in Venezuela.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency