Russian Foreign Ministry promises tough response from Moscow to London’s hostile actions

13.09.2024, Moscow.

The expulsion from Russia of six British diplomats, who, according to the FSB, were engaged in spying and subversive activities, was commented on by Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, the press service of the agency reported on September 13.

The diplomat emphasized that the Foreign Ministry fully shares the FSB’s assessment of the expelled British persons, adding that the British Embassy has gone far beyond the boundaries outlined by the Vienna Conventions.

The Foreign Ministry spokeswoman recalled that last May, London unilaterally limited the accreditation period of Russian diplomats based on its hostile stance towards Russia. In August, Moscow informed London about the termination of accreditation of six British diplomats as of September 1.

We would like to emphasize in particular, Moscow will not tolerate the activities of undeclared employees of the British intelligence services on Russian territory. Our uncompromising line on this issue will be formulated in accordance with the interests of national security,” Zakharova emphasized.

According to Zakharova, Russia will continue to “respond to any unfriendly actions of London in a tough and accurate manner.” In this regard, the Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman urged the UK to “abandon a counterproductive and damaging hostile line in the Russian direction.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency