Kurginyan reveals how Russian residents perceive the events in Kursk Region

04.09.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

The events that took place in Russia’s Kursk Region, which was invaded by the Ukrainian sabotage groups and foreign mercenaries, led to a rise in patriotic sentiment in Russia, not panic, political analyst, philosopher, and leader of the Essence of Time public movement Sergey Kurginyan said on August 23 on the program Conversation with a Sage” on the Zvezda radio channel.

The political scientist also emphasized that he positively impressed that, despite all the circumstances, Russia’s economy, which after the disintegration of the USSR have become a country designed for completely integration into the West, akin to a “Rolls-Royce designed solely for cruising on good highways (i.e., integrating into the Western community),” has withstood the unprecedented sanctions imposed by the collective West. Moreover, the West is continuing to increase its military support for Ukraine.

“For me, it’s a staggering event that the economy has withstood. <…> There is no depletion of the treasury, no direct evidence of any major rebellious actions within the territory, no social upheaval, no isolation with respect to oil and gas exports, no drop in their prices, and no super-isolation when nothing can be bought anywhere,” Kurginyan explained.

He noted that what is happening in Kursk is extremely bitter, “but many unpleasant things happened when Russia was restoring order in little Chechnya: there was Nord-Ost, Beslan, plane bombing.” Therefore, only those who somehow believed that the Ukrainian conflict would be resolved “quickly and smoothly” were “astonished” by the current situation. Ukraine is a dangerous, serious enemy and a large country, Kurginyan emphasized.

“In reality, what is more astonishing is that everything is still holding up somehow, that the same events, let’s say, in Kursk Region have led to a rise in patriotic sentiments, rather than panic. Something entirely different has emerged, and it seems that even with this insane support [from the West] for Ukraine, this slightly militarized version of the Rolls-Royce [Russia designed for completely integration into the West] is capable of holding its ground, at least in this positional war, with some shift in Russia’s favor,” Essence of Time’s leader noted.

What happened in Kursk Region is “something very unpleasant, but not nearly as unpleasant as it could have been,” Sergey Kurginyan concluded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency