Kurginyan: Latin America today is a territory of global destiny

03.09.2024, Moscow.

Liberation theology has become a new page in the development of the leftist movement on the Latin American continent, which is a territory of global destiny, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, political scientist and philosopher Sergey Kurginyan said on August 5 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.

The political scientist noted that even Fidel Castro, when he studied at a very prestigious Jesuit college, began to talk about liberation theology and to build relations with certain religious authorities on the Latin American continent. At the same time, according to the leader of Essence of Time, an internal division appeared among Jesuits: some of them became rightists moving towards the “death squads,” and the others became leftists, and they were often killed.

Liberation theology became an absolutely new page in the development of the left-wing movement, but I must stress again that it is not the dirty page that exists in the West today. It was a complicated alloy of turbulent demography, a very passionate… i.e. extremely vivid and energetic population,” the political scientist said.

Sergey Kurginyan stressed that the Latin American continent is developing, and Christianity is alive there; it is strongly leftist and have deep roots in the national soil. At the same time, the leader of Essence of Time noted that “all that wants to live” there in contrast to Europe or elsewhere in the West, where “they do not want to live anymore.”

Therefore, this is a territory of global destiny,” Kurginyan characterized Latin America. He added that he feels the deepest respect to China, India, and all the countries of South-Eastern Asia with their desire to combine progress with their national values; however, “this is a kind of East where, in the theosophical sense, there is no history.”

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency