Kurginyan: Russia will have more problems with Ukraine than during Second Chechen War

31.08.2024, Minsk.

One has to accept the fact that the problems within Russia during the conflict in Ukraine will be far greater than those experienced during the Second Chechen War, philosopher, political scientist, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan stated on August 21 on the Obyektivno program on the Belarusian ONT channel.

He explained that the events in Kursk Region must be analyzed with the understanding that what is happening in Ukraine is “a very serious war with a very serious enemy.”

“We managed the situation in Chechnya. There was the so-called First Chechen War – by the way, it was called a war, not a special operation – then the Second Chechen War, and the second one ended successfully for us. We settled everything, and normal relations were established. But during this second war, when we were already working seriously, we had incidents like ‘Nord-Ost,’ Beslan, and plane bombings,” Sergey Kurginyan explained.

He noted, however, that Chechnya is significantly smaller than Ukraine, and no one could support terrorists in the way the West is currently supporting Ukraine.

“There were no chance of creating brigades, corps, or armies. No one conducted total mobilization of millions of people or created tank brigades, artillery, missile capabilities, and everything else for them [Islamists in Chechnya],” the analyst clarified.

He emphasized that the scale of Western support for terrorists in Chechnya could not have been as extensive as it is today in Ukraine.

“The territory was in the Caucasus, so even if the West wanted to support the mujahideen, it couldn’t do so on the same scale [as in Ukraine] without an air bridge, etc. Nevertheless, we had major problems on Russian territory,” the political scientist noted.

Sergey Kurginyan explained that if Russia experienced significant problems during the Second Chechen War, the scale of these problems could be exponentially greater during the conflict in Ukraine.

“We will face [these problems], this is not the last of them. We will face them, and they will be serious. We must be prepared for this,” Essence of Time‘s leader emphasized.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency