Economic stagnation puts pressure on German labor market

30.08.2024, Berlin.

The number of unemployed in Germany in August 2024 increased by 176 thousand people compared to the same month last year, the newspaper Oldenburger Onlinezeitung (OOZ) writes on August 30, citing the Federal Employment Agency of Germany.

According to the agency, the number of unemployed increased by 0.1 percent to 6.1 percent of the working-age population to 2.872 million people compared to July 2024, and seasonally adjusted, the number of unemployed increased by 2,000 people compared to the previous month.

The labor market continues to feel the effects of economic stagnation. Unemployment and underemployment continued to rise during the summer vacation,” the publication quotes Andrea Nahles, chairwoman of the federal employment agency, as saying.

It is reported that underemployment, which in addition to unemployment also includes short-term disability, rose by 8,000 seasonally adjusted from the previous month to 3,617,000 in August 2024, 136,000 more than a year ago.

Based on current data, 40,000 people were in cyclical short-term employment from August 1 through August 26, inclusive. According to the agency’s preliminary extrapolated data, 232,000 workers were in cyclical short-time employment benefits this month, up from 215,000 and 223,000 in May and April, respectively.

It is noted that 925,000 people were receiving unemployment benefits in August 2024, up 109,000 from a year ago, while the number of people eligible for basic benefits who were able to work was 4,017,000, up 72,000 from August 2023. The newspaper reports that this could mean that 7.3% of working-age people living in Germany needed help.

Also according to the German federal agency, from October 2023 to August 2024, 418,000 specialist job seekers registered with employment offices and job centers, which is 10,000 more than in the same period last year. Of these, 82,000 did not find a training place or an alternative in August.

The publication reports that at the same time 502,000 training places were registered, 25,000 fewer than a year ago and of these 158,000 are still unfilled. It is reported that experts believe that the apprenticeship market will remain unstable until the end of the reporting year to September 30, 2024. In particular, the number of unfilled training places and applicants without a training place or alternative will continue to decline.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency