Kurginyan: The West has realized that it created its own geopolitical “gravedigger”

28.08.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

At some point, the West realized that it has created its own geopolitical and historiosophic “gravedigger” in the form of the Asian countries, philosopher, political scientist, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan stated in an interview with BelTA TV channel on July 16.

According to the political scientist, after the emergence of an alternative way of life represented by the Soviet Union, the average European worker began to demand humane treatment and decent social conditions, which Western rulers had to provide.

“But then the question arose: who should work? So, it was decided that to continue to generate production profit with machines, productive forces needed to be relocated to a place where they [the West] could deal not with a Frenchwoman for €1000, who would be capricious and say what the trade unions said, but with a Chinese woman, who would be clean, washed, disciplined, and would receive, say, 10, 12, or 15 times less money and consider it a blessing,” the analyst said.

The philosopher noted that developing Asian countries gladly accepted this offer and began to give away the labor of their people for next to nothing. Nevertheless, they started accumulating profit and gradually transforming into economic giants, as happened with China and India.

In the political scientist’s opinion, the West had to face the fact that profits became higher in Asia, which led to investment policies shifting there. However, to support the Western economy, it became necessary to import migrants from these previously underdeveloped countries.

They face this problem. When they really face it, they scratched their heads and said: ‘Hey, we’re creating not our own class gravedigger, as Karl Marx said, but a geopolitical, historiosophic one. What are we going to do?’” Kurginyan explained.

Moreover, according to the political scientist, Asian countries have already enjoyed the American level of consumption and are not going to give it up. This means that as they continue to increase their wealth, sooner or later they will surpass the collective West in terms of living standards, leaving it behind.

Essence of Time’s leader notes that Western countries will not be able to start tightening the screws and making demands on their own populations, as this would inevitably lead to protests, uprisings, and possibly civil wars.

“They [the West] began to cancel their own project called ‘Modernity,’ which implied catch-up modernization in third-world countries, always associated with dictatorship. But they began talking about democracy in these countries and so on, they found themselves trapped in all this. Sooner or later, they had to acknowledge the trap and say that they had raised their gravedigger as represented by China, and possibly India,” Kurginyan concluded.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency