Kurginyan: Right turn in Russia is a dangerous Trojan Horse

28.08.2024, Aleksandrovskoye.

A right turn in Russia is a dangerous Trojan Horse that will be unwelcome both domestically and internationally, philosopher, political scientist, and leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan stated on June 14 on the Conversation with the Sage program on the Zvezda radio channel.

According to the political scientist, the late Soviet and post-Soviet politics were largely based on the “tandems” of leaders of the USSR/Russia and the USA. As an example, the analyst cited the “Nixon-Brezhnev” tandem, which became possible only after Kennedy’s assassination and, thus, the elimination of the “Khrushchev-Kennedy” tandem.

“How long did Khrushchev remain politically active after Kennedy was killed? Not long, right? How did Robert Kennedy flounder, warning about what would happen? The Kennedys were not perfect, but as soon as the – very speculative with the Cuban Missile Crisis and everything else – ‘Khrushchev-Kennedy’ tandem was destroyed, the ‘Nixon-Brezhnev’ tandem emerged,” Kurginyan stated.

According to the philosopher, after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the new Russian elite planned to bring Yuri Skokov to power, who was acceptable to the US Republican Party. However, the rather unexpected election of Bill Clinton as US President, according to the political scientist, forced Yeltsin to lift the state of emergency, which initially aimed to eliminate both communists and liberals before handing power to Skokov.

The analyst noted that every time politicians like Skokov and similar political figures such as Lebed, Strelkov, and Prigozhin came into consideration in Russian history, it implied not only a right turn in Russian politics but also the transformation of the country into a confederation, which would be deadly for Russia.

“These right-wingers want several things. They hate everything Soviet and want to repressively destroy it following the Pinochet model, they hate liberals and are ready to destroy them too. And they always want confederalization – that’s the card they have up their sleeve,” Kurginyan stated.

Therefore, according to the political scientist, the right turn in Russian politics is highly questionable. However, the philosopher also noted that contemporary European, Western, and global pseudo-leftism is “scum, complete and hopeless.”

“But [a right turn] is also not a panacea; it’s a very dubious thing. This right turn is such a Trojan Horse, from which Russia will gain nothing, and what it would trigger here is another question altogether,” Kurginyan said.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency