Russian Foreign Ministry: Diplomats will identify all journalists who intruded into Kursk region

23.08.2024, Russia.

Western journalists who illegally crossed the Russian border are being identified by Russian diplomats and experts, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at the Territory of Meanings forum on August 23.

She noted that they are talking about those journalists who do not have visas or residence permits that would allow them to stay legally on Russian territory.

Zakharova emphasized that each such case of illegal entry into the territory of Kursk region will be considered separately. Journalists from any country will be studied.

Italian journalists Simoni Traini and Stefani Battistini, as well as CNN reporter Nick Peyton Walsh were the first to show a story about the situation in the Kursk region occupied by Ukrainians. They, as well as Ukrainian correspondents Olesya Borovik and Diana Butsk, were filming stories in Sudzha.

Criminal cases were filed against them for illegally crossing the state border of the Russian Federation. The maximum sentence under this article is imprisonment for five years.

On August 23, a video of the German media corporation Deutsche Welle (this material/information is produced, distributed and/or sent by a foreign agent of Deutsche Welle or concerns the activities of a foreign agent of Deutsche Welle) with correspondent Nike Connolly also appeared. He stated that he had visited Sudzha in the company of the Ukrainian military.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency