Russian Foreign Ministry: The US authorities have no desire to stop the Ukrainian troops in Kursk Region

23.08.2024, Russia.

If Washington wanted to, it could “at the snap of its fingers” stop the Ukrainian troops in Kursk Region, Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov told TV Channel One on August 22.

If the Americans did not like what is happening in Kursk region, where our ordinary people, children, women, old people are dying, it would be enough, in American terms, to simply snap fingers, and Kiev would immediately stop such actions,” the diplomat said.

Antonov expressed his belief that the Kiev regime does not take any action without approval from Washington. According to the ambassador, thousands of Western military and paramilitary specialists are under the Ukrainian president as advisers.

A large number of Western mercenaries are involved in the Ukrainian attack on the Kursk region. This is said by local residents and representatives of the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation.

Earlier, the first Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian integration and relations with compatriots Viktor Vodolatsky said that Western mercenaries in the Ukrainian troops perform terrorist tasks, and Kiev “can not make a single step” without the permission of the allies.

Earlier, on August 15, White House Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby said during a briefing that Washington was unaware of the Ukrainians’ intentions and goals in Kursk Region.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency