Kurginyan: An era of escalated struggle for a new world order is coming

19.08.2024, Moscow.

An era is coming, which will bring if not civil wars but at least escalated confrontations around the projects that the world will be offered after the end of the Modernity project, the leader of the Essence of Time movement, philosopher and political scientist Sergey Kurginyan said on July 12 on the program Conversation with a Sage on the Zvezda radio station.

We are in a phase of new landscapes. Orbán’s visit to us is part of a message from those who want to be part of these landscapes. The capacity of the new landscapes are grossly inflated by those who talk about them. Will Le Pen overwhelmingly win the elections? Even if she wins like that, we remember Meloni and we remember Blinken saying ‘she dances after our whistle,’” Kurginyan explained.

On the emerging Chinese direction, the Pope and the Habsburgs want to play a role. At the same time, conservative Europe wants to understand what the attitude of conservative America to it will be after the presidential elections, the political scientist explained.

Will Trump leave it [Europe], will they split, and to whom will Europe then belong?Whom will Central Asia belong to? And if all these fields are cleaned up, they are cleaned up for some new clashes,” Sergey Kurginyan stressed.

The political scientist explained that if European right-wing political parties seriously strengthen, “only one thing will happen: Macronism will be reformed to merge with leftists.”

The following landscape will appear: centrism will be gone, a left field will appear, with all its current ambiguity, and a right one. But they will not negotiate for long. They will look at each other ‘through the sighting notch,’ and this will take place everywhere. An era is coming when there will be if not civil wars but at least acute confrontations around projects that have to be proposed to the world beyond the unfolding finish of the Modernity project. This project will not end just like that,” Kurginyan noted.

The analyst stressed that it is still not quite clear whether the rightists will attempt to defend the Modernity project or the next series of clashes will end with the victory of someone who will be “worse than any Le Pen and Macronism-Communism.” All this will affect the situation in Ukraine.

In this sense, with all its obviousness and apparent insignificance, it seems to me that Orbán’s visit to us is a sign of really major changes, which both the Russian political elite and society should not consider according to the principle, ‘everything is so bad that any changes will be for the better,’” Kurginyan explained.

The analyst stressed that despite Russia’s extremely severe situation as well as the fact that “there can hardly be anything worse than the US democrats,” changes are not always for the better, and the current events are difficult to describe in terms of simply “better” or “worse.” He noted that the current situation is very multi-dimensional.

What we need is our country, our society, our elite to cope with the complexity and to be able to see the game, to understand it, to feel it as part of their destiny, and to avoid oversimplification the way we were trapped into it during the disgusting perestroika,” Sergey Kurginyan noted.

Source: Rossa Primavera News Agency